Requirement toward the Personal Mastery Program
This retreat offers an in-depth intensive experience of the three core instincts, the six instinctual sequences (the six possible ways in which the instincts can be “ordered”) and the twenty-seven subtype personalities. Through both group and individual work, video clips, and the latest teachings on the instincts and subtypes, we will learn about this important dimension of the Enneagram model. Within the context of a rich group setting, we will support each other in understanding the ways in which our dominant, secondary, and repressed instincts drive our behavior. We will also gain insight into how our instincts combine with our passions and our type patterns to structure our experience.
The exploration of the ways our personalities act out our instinctual biases and emotional and cognitive patterns will culminate in participants identifying specific growth challenges, working with them in-depth in real-time, and developing a plan for continuing inner work beyond the retreat.
This retreat will support and encourage you in doing powerful Enneagram-based inner work by providing the information, the experiences, the support, and the path to be able to intentionally rising above the habitual automatic reactivity of your personality.
“For many years I have been looking for a process, a program, and a teacher that could more deeply open the transformational power of the Enneagram for me. I wanted to move beyond the Enneagram of Personality to an exploration of the deep liberating potential I knew was present in this amazingly sophisticated psycho/spiritual map. I feel so blessed and fortunate to have found this program, this process, and these teachers in Uranio Paes and Bea Chestnut. I am so incredibly grateful.”
This event is scheduled to take place online.
Each day, students will meet 9am to 4pm Pacific Time via Zoom. There will be plenty of breaks throughout the day and lots of interactive and experiential learning.
Students should not plan to have any meetings, run errands, or take care of other obligations, as this will be a highly participatory event.
Students will receive packages in the event that the retreat takes place online. They should prepare to submit their mailing information in preparation for this.
All times listed are in the US Pacific Time Zone. This event will be held online. This inner work retreat counts toward the CP Enneagram Academy’s Personal Mastery Program. Refunds are available 31 or more days before the event.